Evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of a new dental gel in experimental in vitro model systems
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Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine
Pharmacology Department, Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine
Hygiene and Ecology Institute, Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine
Department of Industrial Technology of Drugs, National University of Pharmacy, Ukraine
Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania
Submission date: 2024-05-23
Acceptance date: 2024-05-28
Publication date: 2024-06-20
Corresponding author
Olena Hrudnytska   

Department of Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Prosthodontics 2024;74(2):116-128
Toxicological studies today is one of the important stages of the biological assessment of the toxicity of potential drugs.

To evaluate the biological activity of the new dental gel in experimental model systems using cell lines and to conduct a comparative analysis with known medicinal products.

Material and methods:
Cell culture, flow cytometry, and statistical analysis methods were used.

The similarity of the effect of the studied sample (Dental gel) on the viability of normal (human fibroblasts) and tumor cells (KB cell line), as well as its active substances and the comparison drug, was shown. The Dental gel showed a lower cytotoxic effect compared to the Chlorhexidine. According to the results of the assessment of the level of ROS production in tumor cells after their exposure to the drugs, the similarity of the test sample effect with the comparison drug Chlorhexidine was shown only in the largest of the tested doses - 3%. When evaluating the indicators of cell death due to the effect of the test sample, a statistically significant increase in the percentage of cells at the stages of early and late apoptosis compared to the control was shown only at a higher concentration.

The established similarity of the action of the test sample with Chlorhexidine is promising for further preclinical and clinical studies of this Dental gel. In addition, the results regarding the toxicity of the test sample against tumor cells show the potential for further studies of the Dental gel as an anti-tumor agent in the future.
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